Black moor goldfish tank mate black moors are peaceful fragile and slow swimmers so any tank mates should have similar traits this will prevent your goldfish from being harassed and bullied.
Black moor goldfish tank mates.
Telescope goldfish similar in appearance and characteristics to the goldfish.
Because of their different color characteristics black moors are popular all over the world and additional benefit is that they enjoy an outdoor pond as they can survive the extremely cold weather.
Black moors are a type of fancy goldfish.
The best tank mates for the blackmoor are other slow swimming goldfish like the ryukin and almost any fancy goldfish.
Your best bets are bubble eye goldfish and celestial goldfish both of which probably won t compete with or bother the black moors.
Black moor goldfish tank mates non aggressive moors usually do well when in a group of other goldfish.
Black moors are peaceful fragile and slow swimmers so any tank mates should have similar traits this will prevent your goldfish from being harassed and bullied.
Easy perhaps the obvious option for a goldfish companion is a fellow goldfish.
Your best is to pair a comet goldfish with another comet or housing with your black moor goldfish another black moor goldfish.
Some experts in fact refer to the black moor goldfish as the black variant of the telescope goldfish the telescope goldfish is also peaceful and has a poor vision as well making it a compatible tank mate for your black moor goldfish.
Before you put anything in a tank with your black moor whether other fish or decorations you need to think about the possible consequences.
If you have other goldfish in the same tank as this slower swimmer the fast swimmers will eat most of the food.
Black moor goldfish tank mates.
That will leave no food for your slow fish.
This description matches many other varieties of fancy goldfish such as orandas so they can usually be grouped together.
This description matches many other varieties of fancy goldfish such as orandas so they can usually be grouped together.
Choose a fish that will share the same swimming traits as your blackmoor.
This is why tank mates for this goldfish should in fact be within the same swimming speed range as the black moor.
If you keep some of the faster swimming species with slower they will eat all the food.
They re black in color and have rounded bodies and protruding eyes.